Greetings to our LWCC Family,
Merry Christmas! It is with shear excitement and joy that Pastor Delia and I greet you during this Christmas season as we celebrate truly the most wonderful time of the year, the birth of ‘Christ: THE GOD WITHIN.’
Christmas is a season of gift giving and the time in which we are to give ourselves to the ultimate gift: CHRIST AWARENESS. “ Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:” (Col 1:26-27).
The mystery that Paul was revealing to the church at Colossae when he said, “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” was referring to the Christ and His presence, power, and anointing living in every believer. We must recognize God as the only substance and source of our being and our lives. Let’s affirm together:
“My life is the life of God!”
“I AM fine, fit, fulfilled, and fantastic with God as my all sufficiency in all things!”
During this Christmas season, amid all the excitement, shopping, gift wrapping, cooking and hosting friends and family, let’s remember to be thankful for the precious gift of life. Let’s choose this month to be creative, and to create a new life and a new world in thought, word, action and Spirit. As you already know, being such a vital part of this wonderful family, each service and activity at LWCC is designed for the purpose of empowering and helping all who are ready and willing to discover and acknowledge the presence of God within. It is said, “Though Christ be born a thousand times, if Christ is not born in you, the soul is all forlorn.”
Through the New Birth Jesus Christ lives in us. Christ made it possible for the presence of God to live in man. Christmas Day for Paul was the day in which he said, “…I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:…” (Gal 2:20). It was not the man Jesus that lived his life; that man had been crucified. It was the Christ who took over the life of Paul and lived his life, went before him to make the crooked places straight, spoke through him, healed the sick, raised the dead, and preached the Kingdom of God. The birth of Christ is your Christmas Day and mine. It is that particular moment in which there is something in the nature of an awakening or an awareness in which you realize that something is now functioning of which before you were unaware. It is an abiding with this Christmas experience making every day of the year a Christmas Day. A day of new birth, new dedication and letting this ‘Christ Spirit,’ that dawned on a specific day, increase. Let it become more and more powerful until eventually it takes over.
We look forward to seeing you in service, especially our upcoming New Year’s Eve Service which is one of the highlights of the year, as well as in our time of 21 days of Prayer, Fasting & Consecration as we acknowledge the Lord as First in our lives and receive what the Spirit of God is speaking to the church for the upcoming year. God has blessed us, helped us, and brought us to this joyous time. And we give thanks unto Him for all that He has done, is doing and is going to manifest in our lives. “Get ready to bring in the new year with a new awareness, awakening, and empowering attitude!”
Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and financial gifts to Living Word Christian Center throughout the year. Please know that Pastor Delia and I are praying with you and for you daily. We love you, bless you, appreciate you, and thank God for you!
Realize within yourself the Christ, the Christmas Day. Let every day be a Christmas Day of realization and awareness. And then loose that Christ into the world and let Him touch those who are prepared!
Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New You!
Bishop Levy & Pastor Delia Knox